Here is the Caribbean Dream package in pink and white. This was a 30 year wedding anniversary vow renewal and a surprise for mom! The folks were Pensacola locals and mom loves the beach. Dad could not get too dressed up or she would have know something was going on so he dressed very casual. Her daughter planned the whole thing and all the family members but 1 were present. They both had tears in their eyes when they said their vows again to each other. It was a magic moment to see their happy faces. We sweep the sand for the bride to walk on however you can see their footprints in the sand and they walked the aisle together. It was a moment to be treasured always. Our photographer got plenty of photos and their wonderful daughter was very pleased. Seeing 2 people who have stayed together for 30 years is an amazing experience. Staying the course and regardless of what life threw at them this loving couple took it all in stride and look at them now. How could you ask for anything more? I hope that some of you read this and know you too can have a wonderful life together. This is a testament of what can happen but you must work at it. Do not worry about the small stuff. Enjoy waking up every morning next to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. And by all means have a beach wedding. It really is one of the simplest ways to get married. All you need to do is get a marriage license. Leave the rest to us. Our website is filled with useful information and we encourage you to read it and reap the benefits of knowledge of 20 years of experience in the wedding business.