How CoVid19 Is Affecting Our Beaches
This is information you will need to know about how CoVid19 is affecting our area. Groups of 50 or less are allowed on the beach at weddings with social distancing. While you are here avoid closed spaces with poor ventilation, avoid crowded spaces with too many people nearby, remove yourself from close-contact settings, such as close-range conversations. Wear a mask to protect yourself and in any business.
Beach Wedding Packages
Some people who want to come to your wedding may decide not to because of CoVid19. Older adults and those with immune issues have been staying away from weddings. There are ways they can still attend virtually by streaming from Facebook or other streaming services. Make sure you have a good phone with access to towers in our area. Verizon and AT&T are towers in our area that have provided the best streaming coverage. Designate one person who will be streaming your wedding. We can talk to them and help them to find a good place to stream. We want your loved ones to be watching you walk down the aisle even if it is virtually. Knowing they are still with you is comforting.
Safety First
You may want to get take out food from restaurants and dine on your patio. If you are overlooking the Gulf of Mexico this will be a much better view. And very romantic with the one you love. Watching the water when you have a view is very relaxing.
Be safe while you are down here. While we have not had very much virus activity on our beaches we must still practice personal safety and safety for our families and friends. Make wise decisions. By practicing these simple measures you will be insuring a great trip and wedding on the breathtaking beaches of Northwest Florida. We want you to make memories to take with you in your life together.